Add Budget Checker interface to the Expense Category distribution when creating and approving an invoice request.

In WebPortal's WebInvoice you can check the remaining budget in an account when creating an invoice. This same feature should exist in Expense Manager when creating an invoice request. The Approver should be able to see this as well.

  • Thomas Swindell
  • Jun 1 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Jun, 2022 02:05pm

    This would be a great function!

  • Thomas Swindell commented
    10 Aug, 2021 07:49pm

    This would be a great feature for the WebView of FE NXT's Expense Manager module. Attached is the visual of what would be ideal when processing an invoice or credit card in Expense Manager!

  • Thomas Swindell commented
    10 Aug, 2021 07:40pm

    Ideas with less votes have been planned. This is a great feature in WebPortal that should be available in Expense Management! Leadership/Approvers would appreciate this feature as well.