Reporting: Missing ability to update the description or rename a report
This functionality exists in the database view and was missed in NXT reporting. It is inefficient to switch to the database view to do this simple update.
Yes, you can change the title of the report. But you cannot change the NAME of the report in NXT. You have to do this in the database view. Now - if you copy the report, you can change the name in NXT - but I would prefer a simple Name change to the whole copy report and change name and title, etc.
You can select to Edit the report from the context menu on the Reporting page. This will allow you to update the title, etc provided the report creator set the report permissions to allow others to edit.
Thank you for clarifying Alynia! I updated the status of the idea submission.
Yes, you can change the title of the report. But you cannot change the NAME of the report in NXT. You have to do this in the database view. Now - if you copy the report, you can change the name in NXT - but I would prefer a simple Name change to the whole copy report and change name and title, etc.
You can select to Edit the report from the context menu on the Reporting page. This will allow you to update the title, etc provided the report creator set the report permissions to allow others to edit.