Add the Batch Summary Report to NXT. It was available in Database but was not migrated to NXT

The Batch Summary Report was being used to generate reports for our auditors - for example a report for all JE for the Fiscal Year. The Batch Detail Report that is in NXT is too detailed. The Batch Summary needs to be available to run like it was in database version. I ran it on 6/27/24 and when I went back to run it a week later it was gone!!

I don't like the fact that they are taking away reports and other functions from Database and not making sure they are available in NXT before doing so.

  • Guest
  • Aug 14 2024
  • No Status
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    05 Sep 19:44

    I agree with you. This was a report that I provided to our auditors as well and now on the Batch Detail Report is available.