The reporting module just received an update and unfortunately it made things more time consuming and less user friendly. Please consider adding the dates to the column view on the statements. The income statements normally have multiple columns and now I have to click on each one to actually see the date. It is so disappointing. I always preferred to run reports in NXT but over the last few years I find that I use the reports more in the database view then NXT. Now that the columns are difficult to view at a glance, I will be running all financials in the database view.
You now have the ability to see the dates in the reports while creating the report. If there are other areas you wish to see the dates, let us know!
I agree that the new update created so many problems and has made reporting very difficult. Please fix this quickly.
I use to run my reports directly to PDF by clicking on the 3 dots to the left of the reports. Now it's not an option just excel data. Need to bring this back!!
Just experience my first update in Reporting and it really sucks.
My search terms are not remembered. I have to retype them.
It takes 1-2 seconds for the characters to display after I type.
These are serious issues and should automatically roll back to the previous version.
Are there ever any change logs provided when update occur?
Does Blackbaud do any testing? Or are we the live testing rats?
Frustrated in Canada.
AGREED! This change is horrible and makes things really difficult to update.
Agreed. I too LIKED using reports in NXT more than the data base view, but since the update they have become more cumbersome. I find it interesting that "dates" is available for GL reports along the left side menu in edit mode, however for income statement reports you have to drill down. Consistency is key, why not have the same availability for ALL reports?
I was very disappointed as well to see the change made to NXT reporting. This has made it more cumbersome and less efficient to edit and run reports. It's much easier when all the parameters are visible on one page. Please consider changing back before the update.
Reporting should be done in web view. Web view should be the standard and easiest to use always.
Agree entirely with this feedback - except that I personally do not want to do my reporting from the database view, as it is clunky in other ways and the outputs are terrible.