Improve/Revert some update changes in FE NXT Reporting

One of the primary reasons I went to Financial Edge NXT was the reporting. The recent update in reporting has unfortunately made things less user friendly and is more time consuming. I used to be able to edit from view mode on a report and the quick search function used to automatically populate. Both of these functionalities have been taking away as a result of the update. Please add these back in!

  • Guest
  • Feb 2 2021
  • Implemented
  • Dec 9, 2021

    Admin response

    These features have been reimplemented. Thank you for your feedback!

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    • Jennifer Mullaney commented
      April 16, 2021 19:52

      Agree - this needs to be reverted back and try it again.

    • Anna M Midkiff commented
      February 04, 2021 20:14

      So many of these changes are not good, it's hard to see the ones that are good. This was not thoroughly beta tested with users!

    • Guest commented
      February 03, 2021 14:17

      Yes, the updates have made NXT much less user friendly. Please revert back ENTIRELY.

    • Cindy Sum commented
      February 02, 2021 20:30

      Yes, I vote for this! Please add these back in!