Adding Invoice "Description" to G/L reports

If I open a Vendor and add an Invoice, on the G/L Distribution tab, there is a Description box to the right of the Amount field.  This is where I can say what I've purchased.  So if I'm entering US Bank Visa as the vendor, and coding to Office supplies, #7427 for $100, and the Description is "Office Depot copy paper", I can't get the description (Office Depot copy paper) to show up on any G/L report.  So when a department manager wants me to run a report to see what they've spent in office supplies for the month, all I get is US Bank for $100.  We have to pull the US Bank visa hard copy to discover that we bought copy paper from Office Depot.    WHY DOES THIS NOT SHOW UP ON ANY G/L REPORT?  I've set up a query to give me the information, but that adds an extra step.  First I have to run the G/L report, and then go into my query to get the information I need to give to my dept manager.  This is inefficient and frustrating.  Why include this field on the vendor invoice record if you cannot filter down on it anywhere....Please allow me to add this field to my G/L reports.  Surely I'm not the only accountant out there that has made this request or would find this useful....

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2018
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    • Dave Hoffner commented
      March 08, 2018 21:00

      I ran into similar troubles. I don't know why the default is set this way, but if you go into the DB view, to A/P-Configuration-Posting Information-Invoice, you will see what gets posted to the GL from your invoices. Ours was initially 'Vendor Name' - 'Invoice Number'. I clicked on the second part of that and changed it to 'Invoice Line Item Description'. Now I'm getting the line item info I needed. Unfortuanately this is not a retroactive fix. But if this is what you need, it will at least fix things going forward... (You'll still need that query to research your past transactions... :) )