View full Account # and Description when reviewing Invoice description

When reviewing invoices I love the ability to shuffle the panels to where I need them. As the invoice approver  I have the distributions panel front and center. However our GL account number occupies the first 16 characters of the Account column so all I see is 4 characters of the account description. I can drag the column to the right but must release it to momentarily get a glimpse of the full description. Please reveal the description as I am pull right our leave the description on screen long enough to get a good look at it.

  • Steve Harris
  • Sep 20 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
      August 27, 2020 20:16

      When entering the account distribution on the invoice, I'm also suffering from the same problem where the account field is a fixed width and cannot be made larger. We have multiple locations, so our account numbers are large with many segments, and most all of the account description is not visible.