Bank feeds: Add SunTrust SunView Treasury Manager to List of Accounts in Bank Feeds

Effective October 23, 2017, SunTrust  moved its SunTrust Online Treasury Manager to its new system, SunTrust Sunview Treasury Manager. Essentially, it is the same system but with a new face-lift.  The login between OTM and STM are the same.  

In FE NXT, I would like to be able to take advantage of the daily bank feeds.  Due to the SunTrust treasury manager transition, I am unable to connect my accounts.  I would like to propose that Blackbaud and Yodlee add SunTrust Sunview Treasury Manager to the list of accounts.

  • Guest
  • Nov 6 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Nicholas Murphy commented
    30 Mar, 2020 09:07pm

    Got this today from support:

    "After Yodlee performed a detailed investigation, what was found is that, unfortunately the software required by the bank, Trusteer Rapport, is not supported at this time.

    I would suggest reaching out to the bank to see if they have future plans to have their software compatible with Yodlee integration for third-party apps such as our FENXT bank feeds."

    It sounds like Blackbaud is not going to support SunTrust and has put it back on the bank.

  • Guest commented
    10 Dec, 2018 05:06pm

    Any updates with this?  It's been over 6 months since we were told the site should be supported but it still not working.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Guest commented
    15 May, 2018 04:04pm

    David, It is not working for me. The link on NXT does lead to the SunTrust SunView Treasury Manager. It would be great if BB has the correct link.  Thanks!!! 

  • Guest commented
    13 Apr, 2018 03:56pm

    David, I attempted to link our Sunview account and Sunview isn't listed when I search SunTrust.

    Can you help me? Thank you.

  • Deleted User commented
    5 Apr, 2018 12:47pm

    This site should now be supported, but please let us know if you have any problems or questions about the connection. Thanks!

  • Deleted User commented
    15 Dec, 2017 05:39pm

    We don't have an update on this right now, but I will check into it and post back on this thread!

  • Guest commented
    14 Dec, 2017 09:28pm

    Any update on this transition?  I, too, would like to use bank feeds.