Reporting Views specific to user(s)

We would like to have a Department Manager login to FE NXT and view only the reports created for them to run - like their monthly budget report for example. Right now, when they login they see every report that has been created (not by them) and not only is that confusing for the user, but it makes the Business Office uneasy. Maybe create a very low-level access for users that only need to view/run a report or two and no other options? Or create a way to only share certain reports with certain people?

  • Guest
  • Sep 20 2017
  • Future consideration
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    • Matthew Maylath commented
      October 08, 2020 15:20

      I second this idea. I also have a situation where I would like to limit the specific reports that users have access to. I also want to be able to prevent users from being able to create new reports from scratch.

    • Marc Seleman commented
      September 21, 2017 20:48

      This is something, I think, on the horizon for NXT.  In the mean time you can do a couple of other things to partially address your issue.

      You can use tags on your reports.  The tags can be used as a filter to identify a limited group of reports.

      The other helpful option is to use Advanced security on user profiles.  By using advanced security you can limit what accounts and/or projects the user can see information about.  So no matter what report they would run, it would only produce results for their allowed accounts/projects.