FE NXT user access should be more configurable for invoices, JE's, and reports.

Currently, the primary user access restriction is at the account level. I can also restrict transactions or reports by type. However, there should be some further way to delineate who can see what invoices, journal entries, and reports. It would be great if the account level restriction carried through to the JE's and Invoices such that those items were not even visible if they did not include an allowed account. Currently, all invoices/JE's are available to view. Restricted accounts are simply starred out. Unfortunately, this is not sufficient. Once you've seen the vendor and amount in our organization you can basically figure out what department it was for. The reports also need to be limited in some way. Perhaps they could be limited by a permanent filter using tags? It clutters up a users interface when they can see everyone else's reports (especially if they don't know where to look for their reports). This seems like a fairly important feature. I find it curious that for a system designed to support multi-departmental organizations does not have this.

  • Guest
  • Jul 31 2018
  • Needs review
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  • La'amea Lunn commented
    August 25, 2021 19:39

    Yes please do this. We utilize the expense manager for credit card expenses and sometimes our employees will purchase items for other departments with their purchases. We want the department managers to only review their accounts and not have to look at the accounts of everyone else. It would be great if we could set by query a set of accounts that can be expensed by each user and a set of accounts that can be viewed & reviewed. It is very inconvenient when we have a bunch of these to split to it's cross purchased because now the approval process is no longer available through the expense manager.