Custom Fields/Attributes are critical to our reporting needs. That is why we take the time to add and maintain them.
Unfortunately, they are missing from all the reports and related lists in NXT. It would be extremely helpful to add these important fields as column outputs and filters to both reports and lists.
We were promised this as well and we really need it to get all the information about of FENXT we need to reporting/analysis.
We really need this to show in reports or they are useless. We also were promised this by the sales team.
Reporting on all custom fields and attributes give value to the custom fields and attributes, otherwise withou the reporting ability, the ability to add a custom field holds no value.
Custom fields are also missing in the queries. The queries show the attribute fields available in the database view, but the contents are empty. Makes to sense to have users fill in the custom fields but not be able to report or query them. These are very important in the Expense Management piece for invoices.
Deltek, who owns Ajera (last I knew), has their reporting DIALED! It would be great to see that same level in FE NXT. You can create fields, use them across different report bases, and also choose existing reports to show as widgets on your dashboard. I don't see this and many other things at first glance in NXT...