Custom Management Report

The Custom Management Report is a canned report in FE/FE NXT, and it is good for providing both Project balance and income statement summary totals.  I'd like to be able to further customize this report to include more columns, such as Contact Name/Position, Department, & Project Purpose (which currently lives in a note). We are currently running the Custom Management Report from NXT, exporting it to Excel, then linking it to an Excel spreadsheet which is essentially a Shadow record of all Active Projects and contains the other fields. I've thought about creating a Query, but the multiple Contacts (usually 2 or 3) result in duplicate/triplicate rows -- which would require cleanup.

I'd like to stop needing to update changes to Contacts, etc. in two places every time there is an update -- FE & the shadow spreadsheet, as it's inefficient and error-prone to have two databases of record, but I don't see that there is any way currently to create a report in FE7 or NXT that exports the desired fields in a report format. Our senior finance team expects to see an updated report monthly with the Custom Management report info PLUS the other fields to round out Project information.

I'd be happy to chat with someone to explain this request further. 

  • Donella Robb
  • May 1 2018
  • Future consideration
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