Why users are automatically logged off?

The pop up is so annoying as it distracts users when doing other tasks. Can the automatically logging off period be changed to a longer period of inactivity? Or at least the pop up can be stopped.


  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    21 Sep, 2018 07:13pm

    You are most welcome!

  • Guest commented
    21 Sep, 2018 06:09pm

    Thank you! 

  • Deleted User commented
    18 Sep, 2018 02:35pm

     We have extended the time-out period to 90 minutes! I hope this helps and please let us know if you have additional feedback. You can also visit the blog post below for additional information about this update.


  • Jennifer Kurtz commented
    17 May, 2018 04:13pm

    Thomas Walker - thanks for the reply.  I did notice this last week or so when I have a report open when I log out it's available to view without re-running when I log back in.  THANK YOU for adding this feature!

  • Thomas Walker commented
    17 May, 2018 04:07pm

    The 15 minute log out in nxt is due to PCI compliance issues. We have added the ability for reports to continue in the background and we will expend that capabilities to other areas in the coming months