Adjusting the Timeout Extension Time

FE NXT automatically logs you out after 15 minutes of inactivity, which I understand is a great security measure.  However, sometimes I need to jump in and out of FE to confirm data while working on another project.  When typing/editing the project takes more than 15 minutes before I have to verify more info from FE NXT, it is frustrating to have to keep logging back in.

It would be nice to have the ability to temporarily extend the Timeout Extension Time in FE NXT

  • Guest
  • Jun 25 2018
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Blake Valentine commented
    28 Jun, 2024 02:55pm

    I'd like to lift up this again. Even 90 minutes before timeout on Webview is too short. I find myself going through MFA six times per day. (I'm not convinced that it is truly 90 minutes either.) Please consider something akin to 4 hours or 8 hours before timeout.

  • Deleted User commented
    18 Sep, 2018 02:21pm

    We have extended our time-out to 90 minutes! Please refer to our blog post below for more infromation:

  • Guest commented
    23 Aug, 2018 11:44am

    This is more than an "inconvenience" to us. It is essentially a matter of instability, like working in an unstable environment in which power or connectivity is on and off arbitrarily. We FREQUENTLY lose work and face literally hours of cumulative re-entry. Yesterday we lost an entire batch of checks that had processed for printing, but were interrupted before sending the file to the printer. All were shown as printed in NXT and had to be manually voided, along with the check stock, then re-printed. THIS MUST BE FIXED VERY SOON.