Increase Maximum number of digits in check number in Financial Edge

While clearing transactions electronically in bank reconciliations, we have run into the limit of SQL Server's integer column when check numbers are converted form a string into a number.  We followed KB article to get around the issue, but we foresee this as being an issue every month for us and possibly others.  If the column specification was increased to bigint, this would be resolved.

  • Guest
  • Jul 1 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    21 Nov, 2017 06:39pm

    We actually implemented a new feature in Financial Edge NXT called Bank Feeds that allows our users to establish a direct connection with their financial institutions to automate check clearing. This replaces the old method of uploading a file for electronic reconciliation. Let us know if you have any additional feedback on the new process!