The function to import transaction after a batch is created was available in FE Database. Currently, in FE NXT, once a batch is created, lines have to be added manually. This can be extremely time consuming when 100+ additional ines need to be added.
Please address this before database view is gone! This is so time consuming!
I agree - Please bring back the ability to import transactions into an already existing JE, just like we could do in database view. The Excel JE Batch Creator tool is also very inefficient and typically times out when I'm trying to use it to "submit" and post to FE.
I agree. We need to capabilities to import into existing Journal entries. Our donation post from Raisers Edge can be upwards of 5,000-10,000 lines, to which we need to import any restrictions on our gifts. In database view we can upload these restrictions from a csv file. NXT needs the capabilities of exporting an existing JE, make changes, and then re-load it back into the system.