Enhance the new Report Scheduler function

I am excited about the ability to schedule reports to be emailed on set dates. There are some things I would like to suggest to improve the user experience on this function:

  1. Currently the reports are only sent in .pdf format; it would be helpful to add .xlxs and .csv formats to the format options

  2. Add a column to view which reports currently are scheduled and which are not to the Treasury module

  3. Add a tab within the edit screen for reports where the schedules can be edited

  • Anna M Midkiff
  • Jul 11 2024
  • No Status
  • Attach files
  • Sandra Ross commented
    16 Aug 15:04

    Agree, need report or dashboard to know who is receiving scheduled reports so they can be cancelled/updated as staff changes.

  • Guest commented
    02 Aug 16:00

    Agreed - it would be incredibly useful to be able to run these reports in different formats and have a list of reports that are currently scheduled.