Adding a default line in FENXT like database view for Journal Entry Batches

Can you add a default line in the journal entry like there is one in database view so you do not have to re-type information on several lines. I do not want to copy the row, since not all of the data may be the same and that could lead to errors if you do not update/correct the info.

  • Amy Bocompani
  • Apr 10 2024
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Ford commented
    24 Oct 12:40

    This "add batch defaults" in FENXT does not work like the database. It does NOT save it (like the database). You have to re-enter it EVERY time you add a journal entry. It would save it (in database) so if you had 5 entries with the same date you could just select the "default" and not have to create it again!

  • Melissa Davis commented
    31 May 12:04

    This added function is different, as it makes all the new rows the default, where as in database the default is optional by selecting the shortcut F2 lets you choose the default but doesn't force the default in all new rows.

  • Admin
    V-Mohit Kumar commented
    31 May 02:06

    You may accomplish the same as the database view's default row by using the Add batch defaults option in WebView.

  • Melissa Davis commented
    30 May 13:28

    I agree, this missing option slows down the process by not having the default line. Also, please consider the keyboard shortcut to copy and paste from the default row with one keystroke.