Add back functionality to add a comment to Fixed Asset Transactions

In the Database view Fixed Assets, when an asset improvement was added to an asset, there was a comment field available to add additional information (such as vendor name, etc.). This field is no longer available in NXT.

  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2024
  • No Status
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    • Guest commented
      18 Mar 19:19

      Please forgive me. I don't know if I have an account for this specific website for this suggestion ( I'm juggling a lot of things right now and would prefer to skip the the step to sign up.

      Many of my projects are real-estate focused projects. Fixed Assets includes progress payments from a variety of engineers, consultants, contractors and others. I pull all of these costs together in fixed assets as Construction in Progress until we get a final project completed and deployed into its useful life status. I keep notes in the Comment section if Fixed Assets to keep track of all of these individual costs and asset improvements. I also use PaperSave to attach the invoices to each individual Fixed Asset transaction. Perhaps there might be a way to shortcut this intent if there were ways to send an AP invoice directly to a Fixed Asset record or create a direct reference of the Fixed Asset record to an AP invoice. A fixed asset can identify a vendor, but that identification does not work for me when I have multiple disciplines and multiple vendors. Sometimes, I have an engineer working on multiple projects on one invoice, so an invoice might split to multiple projects / assets. Without these features, I could get myself lost regarding which invoices correspond to which assets.

      What I am writing is been about my future processes and tracking, but all of this also applies to my historical records. I have many assets that have been "built" through multiple invoices/work/disciplines. Please add this field in NXT! The underlying data is already there.