Report queue in FE NXT

There needs to be a way to look at a report that was recently run in NXT more than once. A real report queue would be ideal, where you could see all the reports you recently ran and go get them. Until the 2/28/22 update, the "notifications" pop-ups served as a workaround. The list of report completion notifications -- when you were on the Reporting tab -- would continue to grow as you ran more reports. If you left the notification there, you could go back and view that report again (or download, etc.) However, with their recent update the notification now goes away after you view the report once. (though oddly not after you export to Excel)

The reports in NXT look so much better and it is so much more user-friendly...but there is a long way to go to make it fully functional for reporting. This is but one frustrating example.

  • Monica Garrison
  • Mar 3 2022
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Zilpha Abu-Shaheen commented
    9 May, 2023 02:38pm

    I regularly use queue in the database version and having the ability to schedule and run multiple reports is powerful. I would really like to see this functionality added to the web version.

  • Larissa Campbell commented
    23 Mar, 2022 06:37pm

    This change was very unfortunate. I agree that having the list of reports was very useful, especially since there isn't a report queue.