Customize Accounts Receivable Invoice to add common comments

We'd like to add a line at the bottom of our invoices that lets clients know they can pay by credit card by calling our offices. We'd also like to add a comment that clients can send their payments to our new lockbox.

  • Guest
  • Sep 23 2020
  • Needs review
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    • Ophelia Brown commented
      June 21, 2021 16:54

      That would be great if that is possible.

      Ophelia Brown
      Director, Accounting Operations and Internal Controls
      Points of Light
      600 Means St NW, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30318
      c: 404-979-2798 | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
      NOTICE: This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material. Unless you are the intended addressee, any review, reliance, dissemination, distribution, copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers. Email sent through the Internet is not secure. Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers, PIN numbers, passwords, Social Security Numbers, Account numbers, or other important and confidential information.

    • Thomas Walker commented
      June 16, 2021 14:16

      Would you prefer to have a pay now button on an electronic invoice instead of the risk of the client calling in their CC number?