Allow users to enter negative invoices or credit memos in Expense Management

We would like to allow users to add credit memos or negative amount when entering invoice requests in Expense Management. Currently, they have to have rights to add directly from the vendor record.

  • Melissa Lacy
  • Sep 13 2019
  • Needs review
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    • Guest commented
      October 23, 2024 18:49

      It would especially be helpful when there is an invoice that includes one credit and that credit goes to an entirely different department, so it has to be entered separately. The approvers want to see the amount on the invoice and often reject it even if I've made note of it in "Expense detail/purpose."

    • Sylvia Cook commented
      October 09, 2024 14:40

      This still hasn't been addressed 5 years later. I hope it does soon before Webpurchasing gets turned off.

    • Tina Donnelly commented
      January 11, 2024 19:12

      I see now that it has been 4 years since this function has been suggested. Any movement on it?

    • Tina Donnelly commented
      January 11, 2024 19:11

      Please allow entering negative amount within an invoice request. need to be able to code credit to other expense codes.

    • Kristy Soular commented
      December 15, 2023 17:49

      I see this has been open for 4 years, any updates on entering negative amount within an invoice request? We are not asking to enter a Credit, just need to a enter a line item that is negative within an Invoice to be paid. Example - $200 due on an invoice. $300 gets coded to one expense code but the credit of $100 gets coded to another expense (or income) code. It's not allowing a negative $100 on the distribution

    • Guest commented
      October 25, 2023 17:21

      This is basic functionality that should be included. Please add Blackbaud. Over 100 votes from almost 4 years ago and still no movement from Blackbaud.

    • Sylvia Cook commented
      April 14, 2023 12:42

      I would also like to add that the tax application should be on a per line basis like it is in Webinvoicing (Webportal). We will direct users to use Webinvoicing for this reason.... entering a negative amount with no tax and a positive amount with tax.

    • Guest commented
      March 07, 2022 21:22

      Just started using Expense Management, after paying for it, of course, and am already ready to give up. It would be wonderful if there were an approval flow in AP>Invoices so we didn't have to deal with this module at all!!!

    • Amalia Collins commented
      December 17, 2021 20:20

      Yes, this is an issue for the individuals utilizing the manage expenses. Especially when trying to add the discount amount as in-kind. It is time consuming when an adjustment is required in the database view to record the credit amount.

    • Beckie Osterman commented
      August 05, 2021 19:22

      We were shocked that Expense Management would not allow us to enter a negative amount. In turn, we have had to create multiple processes to enter invoices.

    • Amanda commented
      July 14, 2021 22:09

      Im not able to ask my organization to use expense management if I cant have them enter negative amounts or credit memos. Im highly in favor of this request!

    • Sylvia Cook commented
      July 05, 2021 17:33

      Agree. We have invoice amounts and need to deduct from the total amount (going to different accounts. Webportal handles this.

    • David Vollendorf commented
      April 08, 2021 15:50

      This was allowed on the FE Web Portal. Why not in FE NXT?

    • Guest commented
      February 22, 2021 17:29

      I agree.

    • Becky Skelton commented
      April 21, 2020 19:21

      Yes, we would very much like this feature to be added.

    • Dan Matthews commented
      November 06, 2019 18:55

      At this time we are not utilizing credit card processing, but would like to enter a credit card statement as a Invoice Request.  If we could input negative line items it would allow us to handle returns on the credit card.

    • Joleen Philbeck commented
      October 22, 2019 20:25

      This would be an easier way to track credit amounts

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