We have three legal entities but one database so every vendor is listed three times with unique vendor ID for each entity. Currently we are not able to utilize expense management module for submitting invoices, because the search vendor field only shows vendor name and address.
Very helpful! Thanks for sending this. I would suggest reaching out to our support team to understand why those Vendor IDs aren't showing as I would expect they should.
Correct. When we're searching for Vendor ''Leakey Outpost'' by name we see this vendor listed three times (for each legal entity), but with no id.
Please see the attached screenshot.
To make sure I'm understanding - I've attached a screenshot for what I see. When searching for Vendor "A Bank & Trust" by name or ID, the result for the appropriate vendor shows and next to its name is Vendor ID: 1030. Are you seeing different results when you search?
Thank you. We would like the box that pops up with vendor name and address to also show vendor id when we start typing a vendor name (because our employees know our vendors by their name not by their vendor id). With the option you mentioned, we would need to train our employees to use vendor ids instead of vendor names which may be challenging.
Looks like we were both typing at the same time! If you do a refresh on your browser you should see the explanation.. Let me know if that helps.
Hi Julia, I see that you said this idea already exist. Could you please explain?
Hi There, thank you all for the feedback. This should exist in Expense Management today. For Example, if on a new charge/invoice request I want to use Vendor: Office Depot, whose vendor ID is 1030, by typing in 1030 into the Vendor field I'll get all results with that value, including Office Depot.