More options when creating vendor reports

My organization frequently needs different types of vendor lists and recently it would have been helpful to be able to create a query with vendor name and address based on vendor type, whether the vendor is an organization or an individual.  I chatted with support and they said there were no options in the Financial Edge for that so hopefully in the future.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2016
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • April Kulpa commented
    1 Jun, 2020 07:19pm

    Hi David -

    We, also, would like this in query.



  • Deleted User commented
    21 Nov, 2017 07:55pm

    We actually have this in Financial Edge NXT! You can select the Filter icon and select the Vendor type Individual or Organization. Hope this helps!

  • Marc Seleman commented
    19 Dec, 2016 03:02pm

    Unfortunately that field is not available as yet to query on.  You could create a true export of your data, including that field, to excel.  And then sort/filter on your records there.