Add EIN as a field in the vendor search

Because names can be shortened or misspelled, the EIN is a great unique identifier to help locate vendors or to search for vendors before adding another one.  Currently, you can create a query to query for one specific EIN, but that is inefficient.  It is not even possible to create a query with an "ask" for the EIN.  Best case would add this field to the records screen when you click search for vendor.

  • Leigh Schaefers
  • Jun 29 2018
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Carla Albrecht commented
    17 Nov, 2022 10:51pm

    I would also like to ask for this search field. We require W-9's to be completed for all vendors so it would be so much easier to search by TIN/SS# so as not to duplicate a vendor. We have many individuals we pay after several years and names change or are misspelled, this would be a great feature to have. Thanks