When paying expenses from a project, have the system see if there is enough in the cash or investment line to cover the expense as these account balances can change daily. Should be able to make that choice in Business Rules.

We have experienced overspending in some of out projects.  We do not set up budgets for over 500 projects, which would not help if we did.  A warning should pop-up if the expense amount is greater than the available cash account and/or the expendable Investment account.  This would allow the A/P Department to catch any overspending in a project.

  • Anonymous
  • Nov 13 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Anonymous commented
    19 Jul, 2021 05:03pm

    We have the same issue. I unchecked the box that was originally out there, because it did not take the investment totals into consideration. Now we have projects that have been going in the negative because we have multiple people requesting checks. I was going to check that box again to prevent us from running our cash account in the negative on some projects, but the option is no longer available. Does anyone have a solution for this?

  • Anonymous commented
    13 Nov, 2019 08:08pm

    This was an option at one time to warn if there was not enough cash to pay an expense.  The problem was that it did not take into consideration the amount available in investments.  That was why I originally removed the checkmark from the box that said to warn if there was not enough cash.  The choice no longer exists after upgrades.  How do other organizations manage this??