Accounts by month/Year Dashboard should allow multiple Budget Scenarios instead of a single Budget

There is a problem currently in the way the Dashboard works if the balance for the Budget line is 0. When choosing a Budget Scenario, the lines without a Budget line or with a Budget =0 will not show making the Actual totals inaccurate (it's missing actuals revenue or expenses because the line wasn't Budgeted). When switching to the No Budget option you are able to see the GL accounts that are missing for that period. So the quick fix for this would be to allow the possibility of choosing more than 1 Budget Scenario for the Dashboard, if I can combine the Budget Scenario with the No Budget scenario then my total Budget numbers will be accurate and my total Actual numbers will be complete making this dashboard usable. In the current state we are unable to use it as it is missing GL lines that were not Budgeted.

  • Guest
  • Aug 30 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Apr, 2021 07:42pm

    TOTALLY agree. Went live 8/1/2021 hoping management could utilize dashboards. Really disappointed the actuals exclude accounts with $0 budgets. It's not feasible to add 2 dashboard #s together to get a true picture. Hope this one is fixed soon.

  • Robert Herrera commented
    9 Dec, 2020 05:10pm

    This one is really important for us.

    Current state is unusable for our organization. BB FENXT dashboard capabilities was a selling point and a decision factor. Unable to use as intended is a disappointment.

    Please prioritize.
