Segregation of Duties for Manual Journal Entries

We have a small accounting department and must approve each others manual journal entries.  It would be good if Financial Edge did not allow a user to approve their own entries.  This is a segregation of duties issue for audit purposes.

  • Guest
  • Jul 18 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Robert Ovesen commented
    August 11, 2022 18:38

    It would also help if you could set up approval levels between the positions. this would be helpful if we could designate certain types of journal entries can only be approved by one position and others only the director can approve - perhaps even by $ amount of the journal entry. This will allow us to implement similar internal controls and make assignments among the staff for certain types of transactions.

  • karen weiskopf commented
    February 05, 2020 22:41

    You must change the configuration settings. :) See attached.

  • Eddie Barker commented
    July 22, 2019 17:14

    This is happening later this year, we are currently working on some database view architecture changes in security that will enable that (I can approve journal entries created by others, but not my own). Once the database view change is done, we can implement it in NXT. Note that this will only be journal entries based on "created by" in a batch; there is future work to be done around how to handle individual journal entry lines (person A creates lines 1 - 5 in this batch, person B creates lines 6 - 10), but that seems like a less common use case.