When there are journal entries that have many lines and are usually reclassing or adjusting amounts to/from different cash or revenue accounts, it is nice to see how the entries effect the account balances when validating the entry. It is a double check to make sure the adjusting entry was debited/credited correctly. For example: I am reclassing $10000 cash and/or revenue from one fund to another or to a different revenue account that have many lines or a few lines too. I want to make sure the account I want the amount to be in was credited/debited properly.
Microsoft Navision does this. That is a feature that they have and i love it. Will this feature be useful when trying to get a company to switch systems or keep F/e?
You can run a report that includes "not yet posted" transactions to see what the effect was of your activity. That has always been an effective way of double-checking your data entry.