Adjust cash receipt payments and deposits.

Adjust cash receipts payments and deposits the way I can adjust invoices. Since this is not an option so a journal entry must be made, which means that I cannot track the changes that are made when I need to look something up in the future. It is extremely frustrating that this is not an option.
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  • May 2 2016
  • Future consideration
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  • Jennifer Beck commented
    3 Dec, 2020 12:01am

    Our organization does not have Raiser's Edge, so we rely on the Cash Receipt module to enter donations and other cash transactions.

    Each month, we run a query by donor from the Cash Receipts module to share with the Directors and Development Team. However, the query does not reconcile to the GL because some manual journal entries had to be posted to correct some Deposit entries. So, our process includes reconciling the Cash Receipts query to the GL.

    If an adjustment feature were added to the Cash Receipts module, it would add value to the Cash Receipts query reports, present a clean audit trail between subledgers, save us time when preparing reports for our Directors and Development Team, and prevent the need to post manual journal entries to the GL. Please consider this request as we are finding ways to save on costs.

  • Ashley Peil commented
    29 Nov, 2017 08:39pm


    On our end to keep track of credit card charges and deposits we have the bank register set up and than individual vendors for the different kind of expenses, 'Food' 'Travel' 'Office', and we record the credit card receipts under each of the vendors, but most of the time when we receive the credit card statement there are differences between what the receipt said and what was actually charged.  For instance, an employee included a tip at a restaurant, but the tip didn't actually come through. But we can't simply go in and make an adjustment to the invoice to the correct amount, so we have to delete the invoice all together and re-enter it again, if the charge was in a prior month that has already closed, it affects our GL.  We can't make adjustments in the register to 'deposit' the tip back into the register or remove more from the register to make up the difference there is no way to effectively track what deposit or addition to the register belongs where it makes things messy.

  • Guest commented
    29 Nov, 2017 06:59pm

    Once you have posted a deposit from Misc. Cash Receipts (version 7), you can not make changes to the GL account distribution on any of the receipts.   If the GL account entered was incorrect, or a project was omitted, you can't make an "adjustment" to correct the GL or project code (like you can in Accounts Payable).  You have to make the correction using a journal entry in General Ledger which then prevents a clean audit trail from the subsystem Cash Receipts to the General Ledger.    I could also see the need to adjust the amount of a receipt/deposit prior to the bank reconciliation being finalized (if you discover the amount entered was incorrect after you posted to the GL.)  Hope this helps. 

  • Deleted User commented
    29 Nov, 2017 03:50pm

    Thanks for the additional context!

  • Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami commented
    22 Nov, 2017 06:43pm

    We use the bank register for credit card charges and deposits. For us, there are a few reasons.

    1. A basic need to have fixes to a specific entry in the specific entry. It's a huge help in tracking down adjustments. What if you are just fixing 2 of 10 distributions.

    2. Deleting a mistaken deposit. Many of our deposit entries have 7+ distributions. It's super cumbersome create a payment entry with exactly the same distributions, then "reconcile" it at bank reconciliation time.


  • Deleted User commented
    21 Nov, 2017 04:03pm

    Hi everyone! In general, Financial Edge does not allow you to adjust payments in the same way that other records such as Invoices can be adjusted. Would you mind providing a few uses cases or additional information on why adjusting payments would be helpful? Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    25 Jan, 2017 04:50pm

    Currently I make a 1 cent receipt.  then on the deposit accounts I correct those that need correction by entering a positive (credit) and a negative (debit) to the accounts with the 1 cent entered to our cash over/under account.  This makes the bank off by 1 cent, and over a long time perhaps up to $1, but this is s a small price to pay for making the receipts accurate.

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