There is not an option to check/or uncheck the boxes in the address description in Payable. I always have to type "primary". And I am unable to uncheck the other boxes that don't apply. And this is a required field so I can't skip over it.
That is not my question/issue. I rarely use multiple address for a vendor, so why can't "primary" be the default so I don't have to type in "primary" every time. If I am adding 1 address which is 99.9% of the time, I cannot uncheck the boxes and choose only primary. I need to type it in.
Hi - You can uncheck/re-check the boxes once multiple addresses are added. To add multple addresses, select 'Add another address' in the Address section of the vendor form.
Correct. If you look at the database view, the address description defaults to <Vendor Address>. See screenshot. I never have to add this information.
I see - You are looking for default text for the 'Address description' to display instead of that field being empty?
That is not my question/issue. I rarely use multiple address for a vendor, so why can't "primary" be the default so I don't have to type in "primary" every time. If I am adding 1 address which is 99.9% of the time, I cannot uncheck the boxes and choose only primary. I need to type it in.
Hi - You can uncheck/re-check the boxes once multiple addresses are added. To add multple addresses, select 'Add another address' in the Address section of the vendor form.