The ability to unpost a posted JE

The ability to unpost a posted Journal Entry. It is makes things messy to sort thru when an error was made in a JE, and the only fix is to reverse the entry and start over. The ability to unpost and then edit is a feature I dearly miss from previous software.

  • Ashley Bolin
  • Feb 7 2023
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 17, 2024 12:49

    I agree with this request, even though the audit trail is robust, there is no way to see the impact to the GL and financials until after posted. Reversals still make it messy. Does validating bring it to the GL before posting?

  • Eddie Barker commented
    February 08, 2023 14:23

    Hi Ashley! Unfortunately, we will not be addressing this. The audit trail in Financial Edge is robust, and you have several options before posting and committing something permanently to the audit trail. You can validate a batch/posting, either in a submodule like Payables as often as needed, and you can require approval of manually entered batches if your nonprofit requires that extra bit of validation before permanently posting. And of course, there's no limit on reversals if something does make it all the way to posting. The audit trial will just reflect that.

    As we are currently working on the general ledger replacement functionality, we are moving towards an "event store" which will show you the status of a transaction at any point in time, and that will afford us the opportunity to rethink how ledger reports are surfaced vs. how they are stored in the database. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

    Eddie Barker

    Financial Edge NXT Product Management