Editing Journal Entries

The editing for journal entries in FE was MUCH easier.  I wish that I could a) see the whole journal entry (i.e. smaller text), expand the columns (can't see whole account name if it's long), see the account name if I click a line (can just see the account number).  I also find it difficult to review a J/E in NXT because it's on several pages.  I wish it was smaller text and scrollable (like FE) instead of the massive text and on several pages.  I have to export the JE to excel to really see the JE, and editing/creating a JE I still find easiest to do in the hosted version which I would like to not have to use anymore!

  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • PATRICIA NOWAK commented
    28 Feb 02:50am

    You can export a JV to excel and review it there annotating which line #s need to be edited and then go into those lines and make corrections