Viewing all activity from an account tile

I would like to be able to view all of the months activity from the account tile, rather than having to go to the reporting section and run a g/l report. Right now you can only view 1 month activity at a time from the account tile and you can run a report on it from there.

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Jul, 2022 02:02pm

    Yes, thank you so much Eddie! I had asked my implementation specialist this exact question and he told me I had to do it through reporting and g/l. Your answer gave me exactly what I wanted!

  • Eddie Barker commented
    13 Jul, 2022 01:58pm

    Hi Wendy, and yay! My day is made with that comment.

  • Wendy Croker commented
    13 Jul, 2022 01:51pm

    Hi Eddie and Cassandra, thanks for sharing this. I had no idea I could change the filters and have been clicking one month at a time or running the GL report. It is a bit clunky to have to select a month, let it load, change the filter, and let it load again but still faster than running a report. :)

  • Eddie Barker commented
    13 Jul, 2022 12:48pm

    Hi Cassandra, and thanks for submitting an idea! Question: where are you going to get this and can't get more than one month of activity? If you go to the account view page, and click on any month in activity, the list of transactions comes up with the beginning year and period, and ending year and period prepopulated, but you can change those in filters right on the page to see a larger snapshot across months or years. You'd do this by clicking the filter button. I hope you can see this screenshot, if not, let me know and I'll email it to you. Thanks!

    Eddie Barker

    Financial Edge NXT Product Management