Please return the default date function!

Entering invoices was fast and easy when you could type the number of the day and it assumed you were wanting to enter the current month. Now it is very laborious as you have to enter the entire date for each field. PLEASE FIX THIS BACK!

  • Beth Jarrett
  • Feb 9 2022
  • Planned
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      June 15, 2022 20:01

      I hate the "/" in the date when entering invoices. Coming from an accounting world entering the "/" slows the process of invoicing. If you are entering in a massive amount (as I do), this can add up to an hour of my time on a daily basis.

    • Guest commented
      June 15, 2022 13:23

      Can you make this an option I would prefer not to enter slashes. I handle a large amount of invoices every single week and slashes slow me down. I am NOT a fan of this new feature.

    • Larissa Campbell commented
      June 14, 2022 20:25

      We, too, have to enter the "/" between each of the date sections to get the program to recognize the date.

    • Jessica Reid commented
      June 08, 2022 14:18

      As of 6/8 it looks like this function may be in AP but it has dropped out of the General Ledger from what we can see. Client is saying that he has to now add the "/" within the dates and this is cumbersome to work flow design. Can we please look into this more?

    • Guest commented
      April 04, 2022 16:09

      I so look forward to this implementation. Thank you.