In database view you can control the default post date. Now FE NXT assumes it is the invoice date. If the invoice is from a prior month and you have run and distributed financials we want the invoice in the current period, "today's date". Basically that has always our preferred AP post date choice. Now we manually have to override the post date on every invoice!
This is one of the reasons we have never entered invoices in FE NXT and have continued to use the database view. If you are removing database view, this NEEDS to be addressed. During high volume data entry, it is way to easy to miss a post date and especially at fiscal year end this is a big deal. PLEASE ADDRESS ASAP
I totally agree on defaulting the post date to today's date.
We usually reconcile on a monthly basis. If we receive the invoice with a prior month date and post it back then the reconciliation is no longer correct.
It is also too time consuming to remember to type today's date and what if we for get to change, then again it screws up our monthly reconciliation again.
We just upgraded to NXT and can't believe they changed this. Please give us back the option to set a default post date that is other than invoice date. We prefer to use Today as the default post date.
Especially if the invoice date is in a prior period that is reconciled and closed! And if you forgot to copy a previous invoice and then do that after you updated the post date, it changes it again and sometimes you don't catch it!