Download GL Transaicton Detail into CSV format

With current excel data download functionability, I can't play around with the raw data (with project ID as my distribution) for analysis without massive formating of the data. CSV allows raw data to be formatted to fit my analysis need.

  • Guest
  • May 15 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Aug 22:05

    It seems like this idea could be merged with FENXT-I-2890 Download NXT Reports in CSV format. That one has 4 votes. Assuming there are no duplicates, we might get up to 7 votes. Strength in numbers!

  • Guest commented
    29 Aug 21:39

    I would also like to note that exporting to csv was available in DB until Blackbaud disabled reports in DB. This is a major problem for our organization.