Have the ACH file date match the future "Specific Date" entered when processing EFTs in NXT.

When uploading the ACH file to the bank the date is the date processed rather than the future date entered. For example, if we process mileage reimbursements on Wednesday that need to be direct deposited into employees accounts on Friday, NXT will record the invoices and EFT stubs for Friday. However, when the ACH file is uploaded to the bank it will have Wednesday's date  instead of Friday. Obviously, this is an issue as it causes payments to be made on the wrong day. Additionally, the records in the NXT have a pay date that is incorrect with the actual pay date from bank. The database version has this feature, but it is frustrating having to go back and forth between database view and NXT for different types of processes.

  • Josh Murphy
  • Feb 19 2020
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
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