Provide a field for invoice due date and post date in Expense Management

Provide a field for invoice due date and post date in Expense Management. Invoices are not always received in a timely manner. Expense Management uses the invoice date for the post date and that period may be closed. Also invoiced billed in advanced of the period benefited should have the ability to post to the correct period.  Also some vendors do not have set terms, the user should have the ability to enter the due date listed on the invoice

  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    3 Sep, 2024 02:09pm

    Agreed with the other comments. Much extra work added for this lack of feature. I'm surprised that someone at BB didn't think that invoices can come in late and need to be posted to a later period.

  • Guest commented
    29 Jul, 2024 02:38pm

    Just started testing out using EM and this came up almost immediately. I am constantly having to open every invoice that is approved to make sure it was entered correctly and that the post and due dates get changed. Please add this feature.

  • Mark Smith commented
    18 Dec, 2023 03:17pm

    This slows down our process because we have to manually go in and change the post date on every invoice submitted through Expense Management so that they are paid in a timely manner because of the way we lock each period after it is closed.

  • Mary Cay Harrington commented
    16 May, 2023 04:36pm

    I agree with other comments. This is a must have in Expense Mgmt. We want to be able to use the on-line approval process but not if we have to then go back into the invoice and update every postdate and due date.

    Thank you for the opportunity to vote and effect more efficient changes to NXT and Expense Managment.

  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    26 Apr, 2023 07:46pm

    Another due date idea here. Please upvote.

  • Alex Zimmerman commented
    26 Jul, 2019 07:25pm

    This is a must have, should have many more votes. We won't be using Expense Management until this gets fixed, and that's the primary reason we upgraded to NXT. Seems silly to me that they give us a date field in the Distribution box, but they don't use that date for anything relating to the posting, they still use the Invoice Date for both Post Date and Due Date.