When entering invoices, you cannot currently see the actual addresses on the account so you know which one to choose. You can see what they are labeled, but not the actual address itself. When I asked support, their answer was go out of invoices into the vendor before entering the invoice. That seems like a complete waste of time when it should be on the invoice entry screen like it is in the database view.
Part of our review process is to double check the entrie remit to address. We have vendors change addresses frequently.
Hi –
We at UConn have the same need.
We have multiple addresses and we want to pick the right one without have to look it up on the vendor.
April L. Kulpa, CPA
Programming Services
The University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc.
2390 Alumni Drive
Storrs, CT 06269
• 860.486.0254 | • akulpa@foundation.uconn.edu
[Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CE937C.B8F7FA10]
Strengthening UConn One Relationship at a Time
As long as you could see the entire address, that would be great. Right now you can only see what the address is “labeled”, not the actual address itself.
Donna Criswell
Assistant Director of Finance
[email footer]
Thanks for that clarification Donna, that makes perfect sense. If we provided you with a similar visual as the previous screenshot for that field, would that be ideal?
Hi Julia,
The problem actually is when the vendor has more than one remittance address. The address that you show in the example is the main vendor address. When a vendor has multiple locations, under the “remit to” section we would like to be able to see the addresses on the account to choose the correct remit to address.
Donna Criswell
Assistant Director of Finance
[email footer]
Hi Donna,
Thanks so much for submitting your idea. Is this functionality you'd prefer at the time of invoice creation? Or is there another process you're going through (i.e. invoice approval) where having this visible would be helpful?
If it's the former in NXT we do have the ability to see this on the invoice as you start your search for the correct vendor, as noted below:
Would love to hear your thoughts!