Add an Invoice vendor only populate 5 choices

When adding an Invoice - The list will only show 5 vendors to pick from. We have many Johnson's in the system and cannot get the system to populate if it doesn't show up in those 5. And we also cannot search by her first name (Tamra). When we set her up, her vendor name is 'Tamra\Johnson' so that her payable check prints in the J's. It's as if the system is not able to read before the '\'. I should be able to find her by first name when adding an invoice and cannot. There is no way to narrow her down enough to populate. 

  • Kristy Soular
  • Aug 6 2018
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Dec, 2023 05:51pm

    This also hinders for vendors with multiple locations for example traveling to a Holiday Inn, there are way more than 5, so having to edit vendor names to include where it is located is the only work around we found.

  • Guest commented
    13 May, 2021 03:05pm

    This is a problem for us as well. No ability to filter further is not available and is a problem that stops the Exp Mgt invoice creation in its track with no work around!!! Need more returned choices OR the user needs the ability to further filter down when a company has more than 5 vendors with the same name. I.e... We have more than 5 Comcast vendors with different remits/account numbers etc...

  • Carol Bosma commented
    28 Oct, 2020 01:05pm

    the vendor list should be a dropdown with a slide to scroll down the list .

    Searching by typing in more of the person's name does not always work if you added the vendor with a middle initial and don't type in the search with the exact vendor name.... don't remember that you added the vendor with a middle initial or won't find the vendor in the search then either.