Easier editing of account codes

Account codes are very difficult to edit.  There is no way to export a list of account codes and any associated custom fields/attributes along with an import id to make edits and import those edits back in.  I discovered that many of our account codes have bad data and trying to manually edit 600 values individually is rather time consuming, especially when many share similar coding.

It would be helpful to have the following available:

a) On the account code table in NXT provide columns showing the values in each of the report classifications (cash flow, working capital & class) that can be filtered on, along with the ability to expose custom fields for the same view.  

b) allow the list to be exported, ideally with an import id, so the information can be brought back in simply.  But if not at a minimum being able to export the entire list of account codes with all their report classifications and custom fields would be incredibly helpful so you can narrow down what was fixed previously or what needs attention.

c) allow a "next" account code like the db view has when making edits in webview

  • Kierstin Sykes
  • Jul 30 2018
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Thomas Walker commented
    February 27, 2020 20:03

    Hi, regarding your third point, the up and down arrows act as the next did in the db view.
