Tabbing Through Fields

Since you're moving all functionality out of database view and into NXT, is it possible to add some quality of life adjustments back to NXT that existed in database view? One example is when we tab through fields while entering distribution information.

In database view, I could easily enter a date as MMDDYY and tab to the next cell, and it would fill in the correct date for me. In NXT, you have to use MMDDYYYY, or you have to click on the calendar button. When entering many lines at a time, this change makes a difference.

Also in database view, specifically when entering account codes and project IDs, we can just enter XX-XXXXX-XX (account code) or XXXX (project ID) and tab to the next field and it'll be fine. In NXT, if you start typing in the account code, it's trying to guess what you're typing with a pop-up drop-down box. However, if you completely type in the code and hit tab, it doesn't keep the numbers you typed in, it chooses one of the choices from the drop-down box, or it leaves the box blank because you didn't choose something fromm the drop-down.

These types of issues make it very difficult to enter large journal entries or invoice requests with many distribution lines using 10-key since we have to keep moving our hand from keypad to mouse over and over. I get that the convenience of seeing choices for account codes or project IDs while typing would help people if they don't know what they're looking for but it's a complete inconvenience for finance staff that know exactly what they're typing and just want to get through the data entry quickly.

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2023
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  • Guest commented
    02 May 22:12

    Agree - also need to be able to type the project and not wait for system to load

  • Guest commented
    11 Apr 13:55

    Definitely need some changes to make data entry more efficient.

  • Julie Koczera commented
    May 01, 2023 22:59

    I completly agree with this quality of life suggestion.