Query function available in NXT

It would be nice to have the query function that is in the database version be available in NXT. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2018
  • In Progress
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  • Joyce Ma commented
    August 15, 2023 18:14

    It's nice to know Query function is in progress in NXT. Hope it will be released very very soon. Await good news!

  • Admin
    Hallie Hurwitz commented
    August 15, 2023 18:09

    Hi all - Development is in progress on this. We will have an update in our September Town Hall.

  • Twila Moore commented
    June 09, 2023 14:36

    Any idea when this is going to be available in webview? I use query a lot. We are just finishing up our annual audit, and I'm going to need a plan for next year if query is not available. Thanks!

  • Lauren Hambidge commented
    January 05, 2023 14:45

    I hope the query function is available soon, with the transition away from database cash receipts and to Treasury in NXT we are definitely loosing functionality and necessary reporting filters that we continually add. Disappointed that Blackbaud developers left this out as I see many agree it is a critical tool.

  • Colette Fletcher commented
    September 02, 2022 17:49

    I saw this move to "Planned" - where can we see progress or confirmation of this?

  • mary hart commented
    August 17, 2022 20:59

    yes, this would be great. The queries are much more detailed when running reports

  • e arent commented
    June 08, 2022 17:54

    I hope this is something being considered. Being able to pull queried "raw data" into excel format is critical for our organization. Reports just dont capture this level of detail.

  • Colette Fletcher commented
    August 16, 2021 19:08

    Shocked this hasn't been added, seems like a pretty basic search function that would be easily implemented. This feature is essential for our day-to-day - please add!

  • Laura Bucci commented
    July 15, 2021 13:30

    I agree with all listed below! I use queries regularly in reconciling and research. If NXT is an upgraded replacement/duplicate of the data base, queries should move ahead on the priority list.

  • Guest commented
    January 14, 2021 21:49

    Reports aren't enough as they don't convert correctly in excel data exports. Queries are very much necessary. I'm honestly surprised this functionality hasn't been deployed yet...

  • Coleen Dolinsky commented
    November 06, 2020 00:34

    Query function is indispensable for our organization. We have queries embedded in many of our key financial statements and use them for multiple reconciliation reports. Without queries, FENXT is a no go, and we will continue using DataBase view.

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2020 18:29

    Query function would be VERY useful in NXT - please consider giving it priority - thanks!

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2020 18:15

    Agreed.......the query function in NXT seems like a no-brainer. My team uses multiple queries to provide our managers with detailed reporting.

  • Anne-Marie Smith commented
    August 28, 2020 14:14

    I use a query to test ap cutoff and drill down to the invoice. Without a query in NXT, it's impossible.

  • Tina Singh commented
    February 20, 2020 16:58

    Totally in favour of having this function. 

  • Katy Myers commented
    April 15, 2019 13:36

    HI there - 

    Am adding to this.  I use queries constantly in account reconciliations. Do you know when this function may become available in NXT?



  • Susan Neiman commented
    September 12, 2018 17:38

    Queries are an essential function!  I use them frequently to isolate data when creating and reconciling reports.  

  • Heather Russell commented
    July 12, 2018 16:45

    We use queries extensively for restricting views of vendors, clients, invoices, etc.  We do this because we are a large organization that is comprised of 70 individual companies and we need for each company to only choose from their own.  This works for us in database view but we do want more of our users to be able to use FENXT exclusively.

  • Kierstin Sykes commented
    May 31, 2018 18:13

    We use query a LOT.  Our support is a mixture of reports and queries and it would be great to not have to jump back and forth.

  • Phil Sonnenberg commented
    May 17, 2018 13:39

    When working with younger staff the nxt version is more identifiable, efficiencies for new staff is great.

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