Show where the error "The total percent distributed must equal 100%." is.

I lot of my colleagues have had issues with the "The total percent distributed must equal 100%." error when they try to submit an invoice request. Blackbaud does not show them where the error is occurring. When this error occurs, I have them make sure the account was fully accepted by Blackbaud, meaning the account's Class auto-populated when the account was entered. If they find the account was fully accepted by Blackbaud, the ONLY way I found to get rid of the error is to delete and re-enter the account number. This fix is fine when an invoice has one or to line items, but when you have 20+ line items, it becomes every tedious and time consuming.

It would be great if Blackbaud could highlight where the error is occurring.

  • Koerber Alexis
  • Aug 5 2024
  • No Status
  • Attach files
  • Jenn Benson commented
    16 Aug, 2024 02:03pm

    This is a known error and has help desk tickets created. You are more than likely also receiving the green dot. The system is not getting info fast enough and does not pull in the distribution. You will get this if you manually enter your distribution.