Vendor Default GL Distribution by dollar amount

Right now, both database view and web view will only allow Vendor Default GL Distribution to be entered as a percentage, not as dollar amount(s).  I have many vendors who have their GL Dist split out across a few different Accounts or Projects.  But since FE requires percentages - with a limited number of decimal places - to be entered instead of the actual dollar amounts, when an invoice is created the dollar amounts on the GL Dist end up being rounded off to incorrect amounts.


Your developers might say, "well we can't do that because a new invoice for this vendor can be added with a different total amount, so the GL Dist totals for the invoice wouldn't balance to the invoice total."  However, I am allowed to do other things on the Vendor Default GL Dist that violate rules in FE, without a problem.  For example, I can enter a Vendor Default GL Dist without a Project, even if Project is required for the Fund in the Account being used.  All this means is when a user adds a new invoice for that Vendor, if they try to save it without editing the GL Dist, they get an error that prompts them to edit the GL Dist information.  It seems to me like you could have the same thing happen for Invoice Amount not matching GL Dist amount totals.  This would be really helpful to us and save lots of time with Invoice entry.

  • Casey Richey
  • Dec 23 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
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    • Samantha Charlet commented
      April 03, 2024 16:16

      I would also like to be able to add a default distribution to a vendor record by dollar amount. For example, we have our benefits invoice distributed amongst several gal accounts and %'s don't work for us. The invoice is typically the same amount each month. And the default distribution is just that, it defaults to that distribution but it can be changed as you are entering the invoice in the event here have been changes.