Ability to create recurring JE

If i am going to make the same JE for the next 3 months, can FE has a feature that allows me to set the JE up for Recurring? this is currently possible in the AR submodule where you can set up recurring invoices. it would be great to have the same "generate recurring Journal Entries" in the general ledger

  • Guest
  • Dec 22 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Jan, 2023 06:02pm

    I agree with Jacob. While the copy feature is helpful, the ability to create a recurring entry that can be programmed to repeat on a certain calendar day each month through a defined period would be very helpful. This seems like a very basic feature that I have used frequently in other simple accounting software.

  • Guest commented
    2 Jan, 2023 03:35pm

    But say i had 20 separate JE that i wanted repeated over the next 3-5 months, i would have to go into each of the 20 JE's copy, add a batch description, and post? I would have to do that 20 different times each of the 3-5 months? What i am purposing is FE have the option to set up the recurring JE when the original JE is made. (similar to a Recurring meeting on a calendar). That way you can build it once and not have to this step over and over again.

  • Admin
    V-Mohit Kumar commented
    26 Dec, 2022 07:48am

    Hi Jacob - I appreciate you writing to us.

    Financial Edge NXT offers a quick and easy way to copy recurring batches from the original batch. Here are the steps:

    • To copy, open the original batch

    • Click on the Copy batch button from toolbar

    • Provide new batch description and post date

    • Now, click on Create batch button

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions/feedback.

    Thank you!