Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable Reports in NXT

We can run many of our reports in NXT, including financial statements like B/S, I/S, G/L, etc. However, we are only able to run the A/P and A/R aging reports in database view. While it would be great to be able to run ALL reports in NXT, it's probably not realistic to get all reports at once implemented, so I humbly request A/P and A/R Aging reports to be implemented in NXT. It would make it much easier by only needing to run reports in one place, as well as giving us the benefit of the formatting improvements made on NXT reports over database view reports.

  • Guest
  • Aug 15 2022
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Angela Sailer commented
    January 27, 2023 15:55


  • Ilan Katz commented
    September 13, 2022 20:19
