Allocation Calculation by Quarter - FE

Could we have an option in the allocation tool to calculate based on average quarterly balance? This would be so much more helpful than average daily balance. Thanks

  • Stacy Robinson
  • Nov 12 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Stacy Robinson commented
    1 Dec, 2020 03:57pm

    Yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks

  • Eddie Barker commented
    1 Dec, 2020 03:41pm

    Hi Stacy,

    Is this what you mean?

    Balance as of 3/31/2020: 15,000.00

    Balance as of 06/30/2020: 22,500.00

    Balance as of 9/30/2020: 10,000.00

    Average quarter balance: 15,833.34 (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = total then total divided by 3)

    I ask because I've gotten some different responses on the math. Shoot me back a reply when you get a chance. Thanks!

    Eddie Barker

    Financial Edge NXT Product Management