Journal Entry in GL module

We have a lot of journal entries.  For Fiscal Year ending June 2016, we may have 7000.  Is there a way to move these files somewhere and label them. i.e., 2016 journal entries?

We can continue the journal entry number succession but it would be nice to have these journal entries shown by fiscal year.


  • Guest
  • Sep 15 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Danette Alles commented
    5 Jan, 2018 05:07pm

    It would be nice if you could at least limit what showed up in the journal entry screen by date.

  • Marc Seleman commented
    21 Sep, 2016 11:47pm

    Is this so that you can find them later easily?  You could give the batches a unique name and sort on the batch name field to find them.  You could also create a separate journal code that you use specifically for these GL batches.  Then you can sort on the journal code to find these batches and you can run journal reports and queries filtered on this journal code.